It's the greatest thing I've ever become. A privilege. A blessing. A hard, amazing, extremely un-glamorous, crazy awesome, sleepless, life-long journey.
It's meant tearing our hair out trying to get him to fall asleep, and then willing him to wake because we miss him already. It's meant the most heart-warming gummy smiles and baby chats, and crazy, wonderful days spent staring at this tiny human.
It's meant hours on end on the couch just feeling like a milk-machine, while also feeling strong and amazed that my body can sustain life for another. It's meant delighting in the quiet sleepy snuggles, and later making ridiculous noises and over-exaggerated facial expressions just to hear his giggle ripple through the air. It's meant changes, growth, sacrifices, and purpose.
It's meant love in a whole new way.
Moments when you realise that nothing will ever be the same
And time is divided into two parts.
Before this
And after this.
– Unknown