I really don't know where to begin with Kenzie and Henry's wedding. Kenz is one of my best friends, and I just have SO much love for this couple! I have written so many blogs in my head about this day... it was just perfection from beginning to end. Kenz and Henry met in Dunedin, and came back from Aus to marry each other. They had the most fun, relaxed and BEAUTIFUL day possible! But it wasn't just that Kenzie looked incredibly stunning (that girl could wear a brown sack and still look amazing)... or that they had a pearler of a day with gorgeous views over the Dunedin peninsula. It wasn't just the beautifully simple ceremony with all their favourite people huddled underneath a gigantic tree in Chingford Park, or the pretty details they had planned. It was the complete and utter HAPPINESS that this day brought them, and every single one of the guests. They floated on a buzz of excitement and joy all day long.
Kenz and I have been friends since we were about four years old... so seeing her marrying the guy of her dreams was so amazing. I didn't know what kind of man Kenzie would need in her life... she is strong and independent and capable on her own. But Henry is exactly who she needed - he compliments her in every way possible. They can talk for hours on end about sport, or food, or wine, or travel, or movies... or debate rather intellectual matters that go way over my head. They support each other's independence, and pretty much, they make the perfect match.
I think you will all agree with me that Kenz is a total babe. She's also one of those really annoying girls who is funny, down-to-earth, super loving, thoughtful, loyal, and talented at EVERYTHING too....
I've tried for years to find Kenzie's faults, but I've come to the conclusion that I don't think she has any ;)
I've tried for years to find Kenzie's faults, but I've come to the conclusion that I don't think she has any ;)
Even when they didn't know anyone was watching or photographing... they were off in their own wee world ;)
These girls are ridiculously awesome and all so stunning!
In fact, their whole bridal party = AMAZING.
Stop it with your incredible beauty already Kenzie...
Kenzie and Henry have a lot of friends... which is not surprising at all when you meet them. The reception was a hilarious, heartfelt, emotional evening full of amazing people, killer speeches/songs and a good dose of fun and games.
And an EPIC dance...
Just to finish off the day nicely, some beautiful moody fog rolled in over the hills, so we grabbed them out for a few final shots... turns out they are some of my favourites of the day...
Kenz and Henry... you guys know how much you mean to us, and how incredibly love-filled and humbled we felt on your wedding day. You show each other, and your friends and family, how important each relationship and friendship is to you, and that's a quality I really admire. Seeing the smiles never leaving your faces was amazing... it's obvious how much you adore and respect each other! I just remember giggling all day long :)
I know you are having the most epic adventures in South America right now... soooo jealous! Can't wait to hear more about it! xoxoxoxo
I know you are having the most epic adventures in South America right now... soooo jealous! Can't wait to hear more about it! xoxoxoxo