Meet the super happy, stylish, relaxed and awesome Spencer team! I photographed these guys as part of our live shoot at our latest Through Your Eyes Photography Workshop! They were an absolute dream to photograph... so much fun, full of personality and laughter, and up for anything!
Kimberley, Riorden and James have been in front of my camera before... but this time it was to celebrate the impending arrival of a new baby! We met up early morning at the uni to capture Kimberley's beautiful bump and to attempt to keep James in some family photos while he ran wild... as todders do! :)
And then, magically, that beautiful bump turned into a baby!! Edward John Dickson arrived on 6 October 2017 at a casual 10lb 5oz! Looove a bit of a baby chub on newborns... he's just a little bit squishy and delightful! And James was already nailing this big brother thing...
I met up with smiley, adorable little Dylan when he had just turned one... and we had a gorgeous wee lifestyle shoot around Renata and Andrew's home. I photographed Renata when she was pregnant so it was lovely to be back and meet the gorgeous wee fella!
Just over a year apart, in exactly the same spot...
Huge thanks again to all of these amazing families! xx