Ain't no party like the Mad Hatter's tea party!
The Mad Hatter's Tea Party is one of the most loveable cinematic scenes of all time - of course it's been done before, but it just HAD to be done again! We needed a fix. A fix of creative insanity, a fix of fun and laugher, a fix of achievement, and a fix of jellybeans.
One simple idea evolved into two photographer friends (and our husbands) teaming up - sharing ideas, making props and costumes on a humble little budget, turning other friends into cartoon characters, and converting a little forest in the middle of Arrowtown into a colourful, visual feast of a set... ringing with the joyful sounds of singing and laughter!!
And seventeen months after the idea was formed... Heather (from Heather Ellis Photography) and I finally get to present to you our finished product.... a cinematic photo story book - our take on the Mad Hatter's scene!!!