How often do we glance at photos of other people, click 'like', and be done with it? Or flick quickly through an album, hardly even stopping to actually take in the photos? Do we actually see the story?
Sometimes we do look at them a little closer... we appreciate the clever photography and the beauty, and we smile. Then we click 'like', and be done with it.
But when we are presented with photographs that involve our nearest and dearest, our hearts melt. Our faces beam with smiles that cannot be contained. We are mesmerised. We can look at them over and over again, and find more and more things to love. We appreciate subtle nuances and quirks, and our hearts are full of love. There is nothing that can be compared to holding a photograph of someone close to us, and never wanting that moment to disappear.
I want that feeling for all of my clients. That is what I aim for. I want people really experience that feeling when they see their images. It is addictive.
Go on... go and get your family photographed by someone whose work you love. You will never in a million years regret it. Don't wait.
Does that matter though?!? Not at all. I love that these photos aren't perfectly posed with everyone looking and pretending to smile.... instead it's real. It's organised chaos. It's happiness. It's family life.
Kim xoxox